• (A Co-Educational Degree College Affilited To CU.)

Internal Complaints Cell

Policy Document: Internal Complaints Committee

Purash Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya, a rural college in West Bengal, is committed to providing a safe and conducive environment for all its stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Recognizing the importance of addressing and preventing incidents of sexual harassment and discrimination, the college establishes an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.


The primary objective of the Internal Complaints Committee is to prevent and address instances of sexual harassment and discrimination within the college premises and to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all individuals associated with the institution.


The Internal Complaints Committee shall: 1. Receive and address complaints related to sexual harassment and discrimination against women, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
2. Conduct inquiries into complaints received, ensuring confidentiality, sensitivity, and impartiality.
3. Provide support and assistance to complainants, respondents, and witnesses throughout the complaint resolution process.
4. Recommend appropriate redressal measures to the college administration based on the findings of inquiries.
5. Organize awareness and sensitization programs on issues related to sexual harassment and discrimination for all stakeholders.


1. The Internal Complaints Committee shall consist of the following members: - Chairperson: A senior faculty member nominated by the Principal. - Convener: A faculty member nominated by the Principal.
- Members: Two faculty members and one non-teaching staff member, preferably women, nominated by the Principal.
- External Member: A representative from an NGO or legal expert with expertise in gender issues nominated by the college administration.


The Internal Complaints Committee shall perform the following functions:
1. Receive and register complaints of sexual harassment and discrimination submitted by complainants in writing or orally, ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
2. Conduct inquiries into complaints received, providing opportunities for both the complainant and the respondent to present their perspectives and evidence.
3. Ensure a fair and impartial inquiry process, respecting the principles of natural justice and due process.
4. Maintain records of complaints received, actions taken, and outcomes of inquiries in a confidential manner.
5. Recommend appropriate redressal measures, including disciplinary action against the respondent, counseling for the complainant, and preventive measures to prevent recurrence of incidents.
6. Organize awareness and sensitization programs on issues related to sexual harassment and discrimination for all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation:

The Internal Complaints Committee shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding the identity of complainants, respondents, and witnesses involved in complaints of sexual harassment and discrimination. Furthermore, the college prohibits any form of retaliation or victimization against individuals raising complaints in good faith.

Review and Reporting:

The Internal Complaints Committee shall periodically review its functioning and effectiveness in addressing complaints of sexual harassment and discrimination and submit reports to the college administration for evaluation and necessary actions.


Purash Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya reaffirms its commitment to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all individuals associated with the institution through the establishment of the Internal Complaints Committee. The college encourages all stakeholders to cooperate with the committee in preventing and addressing incidents of sexual harassment and discrimination and fostering a culture of respect and dignity.